Core Features
Automated enquiry responses based on your own email templates
Automated inspection invitations and registrations for all enquirers
RSVP management and reminders with optional SMS
Mobile inspection attendee management
Simple, beautiful, automatic.

Realmatic REspond deals with your leasing enquiries 24/7. When our robot gets a new enquiry, it will take care of enquiry acknowledgement, inspection invitations and any follow-up emails.
When you use the app on the road, you can manage inspection attendance and communicate with your landlords, tenants and prospects from anywhere very, very quickly.
REspond is designed to be intuitive and simple so new users generally don’t need any training and it’s completely “bolt-on” so agencies and teams don’t need to change any of their existing systems, procedures or software.
Contact us to get started
Request a demo or ask us anything and we will contact you shortly.
Online demonstrations take less than an hour with one of our staff on the phone. Demonstrations can be viewed on Mac/PCs or iOS or Android devices, however, screens smaller than tablets are not recommended.
4 steps and you’re on board
Step 1: Request a Demo
Request an online demonstration with one of our staff to see how Realmatic REspond works and how you can use it to save time and streamline your leasing process.

Step 2: Sign up
To get started, just visit the signup page at respond.realmatic.com.au/signup. We’ll ask you a lot of questions on this form for the automatic setup of your email templates so you can hit the ground running.

Step 3: Approval
We will review you information and approve your account as soon as possible and once approved, you can log in and look around.

Step 4: Email settings
You, us or your IT people need to create an email forwarding rule to send your enquiries to REspond and as soon as this is done, REspond will start working immediately and automatically.

Realmatic clients include

+ many independent offices
Current Realmatic REspond users vary in size from one-person home-office startups to established branded agencies with multiple leasing teams.
REspond pricing is fixed and does not increase with agency size or user-count.
REspond saves makes time
Answering leasing enquiries and the related followup uses up a lot of agency time and we estimate REspond can save the average agency about 3 days of work per month through our robot’s automation.
Try our Leasing Enquiry Time Calculator to see how much time your office could save.

Let’s go!
If you have any questions or if you would like an online demonstration, please let us know and we will reply shortly.